Marriage break-up can disrupt a person’s life routines, feelings of self-worth and sense of security. Divorce can affect people physically, psychologically and spiritually. Often, it leads to emotional upheaval, irrational decisions, and interpersonal tensions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of self-concept improvement programme on divorcees’ emotional adjustment in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State. All divorcees, both male and female in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State constituted the population of the study. The target population of this study therefore is the divorcees. Only 90 divorcees constituted the sample due to the nature of the experimental treatment. The study employed the quasi-experimental design of non-randomized control group, pretest-posttest design. The study utilized a thirty-six item “DEAI” developed by the researcher. Mean was used to answer the research questions. While t-test and ANOVA were employed to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. It was discovered that divorcees usually experience low self-concept immediately after a divorce. The study also discovered that the self-concept improvement programme on the divorcees’ emotional adjustment was an effective technique for the treatment of divorcees’ low self-concept. A successful marriage does not happen automatically by itself. It is the result of the contribution that is being made to it by each of the partners. The role of counsellors in the reduction of emotional instability amongst the divorcees in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State is highly recommended.
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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